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As for Hawaii wedding, a smile of Aloha! is basic.
The album of the wedding ceremony is completed and I do not marry you, but think that it is one's face to look very first. It is it in a surely favorite album in what I will take a lot of number of sheets like photography of the model in Na pua Hawaii, and will do a wonderful cut in an album from that.
When I opened an album even if I pass how many years, a wonderful memory revives!

フォトビデオ 25,000JPY

The album "photo video" that a trend seems to be a video! ?
It is the new sense photo DVD which finished photographs of a still image such as a wedding scene at a church or location photography in an animation style.
I can just televise a photo video at a party after return home, and it is the comfort that it is possible only by direction of an atmosphere perfect score wearing DVD.

↓↓↓Please watch a sample!!

!> I have you purchase the photo video when you had you apply for a photo album.
The application only for photo videos is not possible. Please understand it beforehand.
[[ The ferry of the video ]]
I send it after return home in around 2 weeks. Please talk about the one using at a party after the return home.

 Photograph and music of about 10 minutes.

 DVD One piece

 Wedding and the church outskirts.

Play PhotoVideo Watch a video

アナログ編集アルバム 72,000JPY~
An analog editing album is the original album which I used the photograph which I printed for. The basic form of the album is 20 pieces of photographs in page 12. The size is 13cmx7cm. (It is with a negative)

<< Scene >>
・The taking a ceremonial photograph in the church inside and outside of wedding before and after.

<< The ferry method of the album >>
It is mailed home about 40 days later. (Postage distinction)

デジタル編集アルバム 98,000JPY~
Digital editing album is the album which totally suffers from this sewing such as the collection of photographs of the model. I put 30-55 cuts including a cover, a back cover and edit it. I arrive at the church in a limousine and photograph it before an altar after a wedding ceremony, the wedding end backed by a church. I have you choose superior quality among economy by the number of the cuts.

<< Scene >>
Only in the church
・The photography in the church inside and outside after a wedding and the wedding.

<< Privilege >>
It is with a negative if with a CD-ROM with album photograph.

DVD仕上げ 93,000JPY~
This is a basic video. I photograph a rehearsal, a wedding in a limousine from the arrival scene to the church. I photograph it after the wedding in front of the church. Because the Hawaiian scene ground is included, I become the memory. Of course I am most suitable to show at a party after the return home. ウエディングビデオVHS仕上げ
The video which gets a difference a little!
It is the new home and a video plan to your parents. I photograph the wedding end in a limousine from the arrival scene to the church. Because I hand it during Hawaii stay and can do it, at a party after the return home, I can just televise it. The relative and friends who were not able to come to Hawaii feel totally attending a church.

Additional charge
  • Calvary church, St Andrews church, Unity church --- Additional charge 20,000JPY
  • Anela Garden Chapel, St catalina church --- Additional charge 30,000JPY

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